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How’s the Band?

It's more than that, but I appreciate you asking!

This past weekend I had a few people ask me how the band was doing. I guess to most people, that's what I'm doing. I suppose it's only natural to assume music=band, especially since that's what the focus of music has been for me for the past few years, and what people have seen of it so far. Don't get me wrong, I love this band, I really do, both on a personal and a musical level, but it's only part of what my new life as a musician and songwriter is right now. If the band becomes a big enough thing that I spend the majority of my time on it, that would be great, but in reality, I don't expect it to become much bigger than it is now, because of everyone's day jobs, mortgages, etc. So, I will occupy my time with other musical pursuits and see what comes of all of this.

Speaking of other pursuits, when Keri came by last week, she left me some lyrics for some songs she's working on. I've begun completing lyrics to one as well as tweaking some of the words she already had in that one. It's more fun stuff! I also need to finish that first song for my sister, but I'm doing a little more research on melody writing before I do.

Posted 2008 05 12 at 12:07 PM

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