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Trying to Suck

Don’t Be Afraid to Suck

One time, back in the early days of Blue Funk, a guitar player I was playing with said something I thought was unkind about my playing. I don’t remember what it was, but it was something about how my playing was getting in the way, didn’t fit, or something like that. Whatever it was, it really pissed me off. I thought to myself, “fine, screw it, I’m going to play badly and who cares.” He didn’t say anything either way, but I felt I played much better after that.

One possible way of detaching is this. By letting go of trying to play right, I may have played better. I’m way too worried about playing things right. I need to let go, let myself play things wrong, perhaps almost even try to. The paradox is, by doing so, I will probably play better.

In other words, I screw up screwing up by not screwing up after all.

Posted 2011 10 12 at 8:53 AM

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