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Cram This!

I never really crammed for exams in college. No all-nighters, none of that bullspit. I prepared for exams by working on the material and making some effort to keep up as the class went along. It wasn't a perfect system, however. One thing I found was that I had to make sure that I at least reviewed material I felt I had done well with earlier, because otherwise I would not have it down like I should for the actual test.

I was reminded of this Saturday at rehearsal. I had not even briefly had a chance to go over most of the material we covered that day in the few days before rehearsal. At first, it felt quite awkward. There were some songs where I could not recall at all what I had decided to play on them, nor even be sure how they went. All it would have taken for me is a run through of all the songs at home some time before rehearsal to refresh my memory as to my parts and the arrangements so I'd know what I was doing. That being said, I did alright once the parts came back to me. I just need to make sure I go through all the songs before the actual show this Saturday…

Posted 2008 12 15 at 2:06 AM

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