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An Update

So much for that idea

I went back and sat in with "that" band again last night. It didn't go as well as I hoped. When I went up there, the band leader asked me what I wanted to play or if I had worked on anything, I blurted "a blues in G." I really meant to say any key would be fine, but because I had success in G at a previous sit-in, I guess that was on my mind.

I know the reason he asked was because of what happened previously. When he talked to me that time during the break, he said something about having something to play, a specific song. So that's what he was getting at.

He threw me several solos during that first tune. For the second song, he asked the bass player if he had something. The bass player turned to me and asked if I was comfortable in C. Once again, I'm sure they asked because of the previous time. (That has to be the silliest question to ask a keyboard player. The key of C is the key on keyboards. It is all the white notes and the key in which every keyboard player starts learning. While some may say they are more comfortable in other keys, anyone who can't handle C at a blues jam is just weird.)

In both songs, I felt myself stumbling at certain points sometimes during my solos, not being as fluid as I would have liked. I still need to listen to the recording to hear how it actually sounded. I also got lost a couple times in the changes in both songs. I'm not sure why. I walked away feeling a bit rusty, probably from not having played with anyone for so long.

After the second song, the band leader called the regular keyboard player back up. Usually I've gotten three songs, but the first one was on the long side. I'm not sure if that was why or if he wasn't entirely happy with how I was playing. I may never know.

After we got home and I wrote the first draft of this entry, I went into my studio and played some stuff on my piano, including a blues bass line that's been in my head for at least a few weeks. I played a few things that I've been working on at least pretty competently. This made me realize that I can at least do that. So what's up?

For a while, things were going great. It was exciting, and I felt like I could do a lot. I'm not saying I'm all that as a player, just that it was working and I felt like I could pull off just about anything. The high from that was really great. Now, I feel much more like I used to before all this, like maybe I can play some things, but playing with others has lost a bit of its magic. I wish I had people to jam with that I knew were at least okay with my playing, so I could build back my confidence. Maybe I need to get one or two other people over here to jam with Lori and I and really let loose, shake off the cobwebs, and feel like I can play with people again.

Posted 2009 08 11 at 4:57 PM

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