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A Quick One (While He’s Away)

Make music anyway!

I'm going out of town for a couple of days, so I may not post for that time. While I'm gone, here's a thought for you to digest. I read this post on another blog about learning music and ability, and thought it worth sharing. My dad always used to say, "there's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it." I'm often disappointed when someone says they love music but can't play, or even worse, they say they've tried but they just don't have the ability. I really believe that a person who loves music can make it, too. Most people I know that play music say they are no good or they have no business doing what they do, but they don't (usually) let it get in the way of them making music anyway.

One of my pet peeves is when a sitcom makes a joke about someone learning how to play an instrument, and they're terrible and everyone else on the show cringes, plugs their ears, etc., especially when it is a kid. That is just wrong and just reinforces the perception that some people have that either you can do it or you can't. I bet most of the musicians you hear today started out at least lame if not terrible. Only a few were pretty talented right from the start, and I bet even those took years to develop the ability to take it beyond just copying others.

So if you want to make music, do it! But have some patience with yourself, and have fun! With the right attitude, you'll find that your baby steps are progress, and put them together, and you have gotten somewhere. I bet your family and friends will be more than encouraging if you give them a chance to hear you. People on TV shows are jerks. That's what makes comedy. Why do you think I act the way I do? 😉

Posted 2008 08 29 at 4:18 AM

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