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Whole Lotta Nuthin’ Goin’ On

This has been tougher than I had hoped.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I thought it would be weird not having Blue Funk as part of our lives, and it has. There have been times I've really been itching to go out and play or to have an upcoming gig, but it's been quiet on that front since the breakup of the band. I haven't even had a gig with Collective Hallucination since the one in January. I know Ant & Co. have done some things, but I haven't been a part of it.

At the same time, I haven't looked for any gigs, even though I could. So my lack of playing out lays squarely at my feet. My intention was to use this time for woodshedding (practicing), and that's what I've been trying to do. It probably should not be a surprise to me that my progress is going much slower than I had hoped. I'm not bagging on myself so much as saying that these things rarely go as fast as you'd like. I admit fault in not spending as much time as I should practicing though. I am not the most motivated person in the world and too often allow myself to be distracted by teh shiny.

I have added the Tim Richards Blues and Jazz piano books to my practice routine, starting with the Blues edition. This has been more challenging than I thought it would be. Then again, I don't know what I expected, because if it was simple I would have known it already. Duh. I'm still trying to get that left hand/right hand thing going, and that's probably the biggest thing slowing me down, at least technically.

I have done a *little* songwriting, but nothing to really mention. I also found out that Beth Black is moving to New York in July, so I should get my act together and finish that song so she can reject it already.

Posted 2009 05 08 at 10:40 AM

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