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The Moment

This is the big one that all the others led to.

All the roads have led me here. All the philosophies, the goo-roos as I like to call them, the books, the nitpickers, and the sign I put up in my studio for a completely different reason.

Shut Up and Play!

When I’m really in the playing and practicing, I can’t do much else. It feels right. One thing music teaches us is about the fleeting nature of… everything. All you have is right now.

Life is a balancing act. With our big human brains, we can remember the past, and think about the future. But, it’s too easy to get stuck in the past and worry about the future. We have to learn to learn from the past without getting stuck in it, and to be ready for the future without worrying about it.

Shut Up and Play!

Playing music is a balancing act too. Too much thought and it crashes and burns, not enough, and, well, I’ve never had that problem.

Shut Up and Play!

Like life, music is balancing just the right amounts of consideration of the past, planning for the future, but being in the moment.

That doesn’t seem so hard, does it?

Posted 2011 10 05 at 9:00 AM

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