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Gotta Get You Back Into My Life

After intending to post as close to daily as I could, I was pretty happy that it started to happen. Then, as my previous post mentioned, I went out of town. We went to Dallas for a few days, partially to see my friend Kevin Anker play with Seth Walker at House of Blues Dallas. Kevin is a killer player and a helluva cool guy to boot. In fact, so is Seth.

After the Dallas trip, Lori had some time off so I didn't do too much musically, though it's my fault for not updating the blog in the interim.

After that, I didn't update the blog, and then we got our asses kicked by a little windstorm named Ike. Category 2 my ass! That category scale is a joke and seriously needs to be replaced. Ike had one of the most destructive levels of energy on record. But this blog is about music, so I'll stop there. 😊

The day before Ike arrived, I was supposed to get my new RD-700GX from FedEx. What eventually happened is a blog post all its own. In short, FedEx beat the crap out of it before I finally got it. I'm still chasing after them to make a claim, and I've separately registered a complaint. I may also complain to the BBB.

As life here has gradually returned to normal (we were lucky that we sustained no damage to our home and only had power out for 8.5 days), I've slowly gotten back into practicing and songwriting. There are a couple of new tunes in the works from the Dallas trip and post-Ike. I also still owe my sister that song, and I need to finish the song for Beth Black, as I may see her near the end of the month. Meanwhile, I really want to get the band back together so we can blow out the cobwebs and do a few more jams at Dan Electro's. I don't think any of us want to do any more jams without feeling tighter like we used to. Since Jeff left the band a year ago, I don't think we have gotten together regularly since. I am leaving out the times we auditioned replacement guitar players before we found John.

Posted 2008 10 06 at 6:47 AM

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